//Demonstrates program can find perimeter and area
//Catherine Casuat 09/27
var length = 0;
var width =0;
alert("We are going to find the area of a rectangle.");
var length=prompt("Give me the length of the rectangle.");
alert("The length is " + length);
var width=prompt("So, What is the width?");
alert("The width is " + width);
var total=0;
length = eval(length);
width = eval(width);
var total = length * width;
alert(length + " x " + width "="+ total);
var greetings;
greeting = "Now we're going to find the perimeter, ";
alert (greeting);
var numberOne=0;
var numberTwo=0;
var numberOne=prompt("Give me the height please.");
var numberTwo=prompt("Give me the width, please.");
var total=0;
numberOne= eval(numberOne);
var total= numberOne + numberOne + numberTwo + numberTwo;
alert ("The perimiter is " + total + ". Yay!");